When our first oven went out (the one that came with our house), I was L-O-S-T…lost. I had just begun to really start cooking and I was actually enjoying it, and *poof* out it went. The oven would not light. Thankfully, I could still use the stove. But, that really put me in a bind. I mean, I already had my menu planned for the week and really, the rest of that month (I think there were 2 weeks left) and I had no idea what I was going to do about cooking all the things I had planned. AAAHHHH!!!!!
So, for a few days I trekked down to my parents’ house (only 5 doors down) and baked what I needed to there. Brought it home and served it to my family. Boy did that wear me out fast!
Join me over at Free Homeschool Deals where I’m sharing my yummy, quick and easy Slow Cooker Ham & Hashbrown recipe!!!!